An album and documentary created in the Argentinian and Chilean Andes.

Award winning Argentinian musician, composer, and producer Juan Ballabores teamed up with photographer and film-maker Juan Cruz to create an experimental album and documentary capturing sounds and footage of a 4000km road trip. Traveling over land and water, through varied and vast landscapes, immersing themselves in the Valdivian jungle, one of the wildest, most isolated, and greenest regions in South America. A sound and visual story would be told, capturing the spirit of each location, and the energy of its inhabitants. An audio and visual ‘sound map’ would be the outcome of their epic journey.

I created a brand for the project that not only depicted the journey, but one that had a contrasting feel to the natural sounds and images. The ‘Intemperie - A Sound Map’ album would be quite experimental, electronic, that had layers, and depth.

A logotype was crafted as though it was carved into wood from the very journey the artists took. A vibrant yellow adding that electronic edge to the beauty of the natural photography and videography.

The album and documentary has been launched to much acclaim.

Credit: Photography by Juan Cruz


Bunji Kombucha


Global Games