Groundbreaking fitness centre in Doha.

OxFitness Lab are a revolutionary fitness centre that focus on health, fitness and lifestyle. A lifestyle facility that goes beyond what any gym had done before in Qatar.

The importance of diagnosis, testing, science, and physical development, was key to the fitness centre, and inspired the brand. The logo resembles personal fitness data collection, with the ‘x’ signifying one clear target, good health. The brand language is very clean, energetic and powerful. We also created the tone of voice of the brand, messaging and directed the photography.

Every touch point was meticulously designed to be in harmony with the interior design, its curves, and angles, from the entrance graphic, reception sign, internal posters, and way-finding. Disigning information packs, members cards, diaries, uniforms and much more.

The brand exemplifies the energy, technology and unparalleled services available at the facility. When launched, OxFitness Lab was, and still is, the benchmark for training and lifestyle facilities in Doha, Qatar.

Credit: Brand created and designed while Creative Director at The Creative Union, alongside designer Rana Cheikha. Photography by Jerome Elizaga.




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